Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Two Weeks of Struggle
Their dad left us shortly after their birthday celebration. And that was.... on the very next day!
I tried to push thru with a post birthday celebration for the kids to make use of the left over cakes and cuppies, balloons, party hats, candies, lootbags, and tutus. Before I tell you the story behind the reason why I was out and struggling for more than two weeks now, let me share a few captures from our backyard celebration:
Now, for the story where the struggles all began.
Drich and I fought over a very petty reason, which I wish not to disclose for the meantime.:) He left us that Sunday morning. The neighborhood kids were already invited for an afternoon party and there's no way that I can not push it through. I had to do everything on my own again.
There you go..... Money hunt, groceries, cooking, contacts and preps. All done by myself. Alone. I can't complain. Because, again, I am alone.:)
Monday. I was still able to do the usual first-day-of-the-week to-do's and was even able to run an errand for some dog food and scheduled a session with the sonologist. That Monday, I found out we're having another baby girl. I was happy.
Come Tuesday. It was a so so day. Haven't heard anything from my husband yet. But that's okay. I'm used to his stow away- give me time to think about things- i need time alone drama. That night though, while I was at the office, our Meralco meter base at home got burned and our whole block was power out. The neighbors were able to get their lines fixed the next day as they only had problems with their wirings. But ours was a big facer. We need to get a new base, start a new line and request for a new service application.
Wednesday. The Meralco inspector gave us instructions on filing for a new service app and installing the new wires and meter base. This was not a joke at all. Imagine, we had to scout for gazillions of hardwares to look for the right wire types and sizes. The wire buying task took us almost half a day which did not leave us a choice but to push the installation job for the next day.
Thursday. The money-hunt day.:) I was left with no choice but to withdraw from the kids' bank account. I was saving their money for the holidays but that's the only quick fix I can think of for the meantime. I was able to get a thousand from Nanay Mily for the Meralco Application and stuff. I didn't waste a second then. I rushed to Meralco to secure a meter base and fill out some forms and all.
In the afternoon, while I was trying to set myself for a siesta, I felt this adrenalin rush and decided to clean the garage and frontyard. Mom saw me rummaging through some bins and she helped me with it. We were able to collect old car spare parts, my kids' empty milk cans, some old toils, old boxes and empty distilled water bottles. This looks like an afternoon trip to the Junk Shop! And so we did:
We were able to sell these junk for a total of 408Pesos! Not bad!
Friday. All materials were successfully bought. Our Certificate of Final Electrical Inspection was requested from the City Hall. I thought everything was set. The field inspector paid us a visit but he requested to have a few wires changed again. I was disheartened and almost gave up. Well, I actually gave up that day. I'm left with a few hundreds in my wallet and I can not spend that for another roll of wire. I was saving them in my billfold for Allson's milk and household allowance.
Come on Lalai, you can't fall apart today. Well, I think you deserve a little rest. Let's go visit your Ate Nice at Chateau Elysee. So there you go...
The kids enjoyed some swimming spree 'til about seven. They then dropped me off at the office for my night shift :)
The Weekend. No updates yet. Still struggling, but getting by. :)
I know, I'll get through this. God will always provide. I know.
I tried to push thru with a post birthday celebration for the kids to make use of the left over cakes and cuppies, balloons, party hats, candies, lootbags, and tutus. Before I tell you the story behind the reason why I was out and struggling for more than two weeks now, let me share a few captures from our backyard celebration:
Now, for the story where the struggles all began.
Drich and I fought over a very petty reason, which I wish not to disclose for the meantime.:) He left us that Sunday morning. The neighborhood kids were already invited for an afternoon party and there's no way that I can not push it through. I had to do everything on my own again.
There you go..... Money hunt, groceries, cooking, contacts and preps. All done by myself. Alone. I can't complain. Because, again, I am alone.:)
Monday. I was still able to do the usual first-day-of-the-week to-do's and was even able to run an errand for some dog food and scheduled a session with the sonologist. That Monday, I found out we're having another baby girl. I was happy.
Come Tuesday. It was a so so day. Haven't heard anything from my husband yet. But that's okay. I'm used to his stow away- give me time to think about things- i need time alone drama. That night though, while I was at the office, our Meralco meter base at home got burned and our whole block was power out. The neighbors were able to get their lines fixed the next day as they only had problems with their wirings. But ours was a big facer. We need to get a new base, start a new line and request for a new service application.
Wednesday. The Meralco inspector gave us instructions on filing for a new service app and installing the new wires and meter base. This was not a joke at all. Imagine, we had to scout for gazillions of hardwares to look for the right wire types and sizes. The wire buying task took us almost half a day which did not leave us a choice but to push the installation job for the next day.
Thursday. The money-hunt day.:) I was left with no choice but to withdraw from the kids' bank account. I was saving their money for the holidays but that's the only quick fix I can think of for the meantime. I was able to get a thousand from Nanay Mily for the Meralco Application and stuff. I didn't waste a second then. I rushed to Meralco to secure a meter base and fill out some forms and all.
In the afternoon, while I was trying to set myself for a siesta, I felt this adrenalin rush and decided to clean the garage and frontyard. Mom saw me rummaging through some bins and she helped me with it. We were able to collect old car spare parts, my kids' empty milk cans, some old toils, old boxes and empty distilled water bottles. This looks like an afternoon trip to the Junk Shop! And so we did:
We were able to sell these junk for a total of 408Pesos! Not bad!
Friday. All materials were successfully bought. Our Certificate of Final Electrical Inspection was requested from the City Hall. I thought everything was set. The field inspector paid us a visit but he requested to have a few wires changed again. I was disheartened and almost gave up. Well, I actually gave up that day. I'm left with a few hundreds in my wallet and I can not spend that for another roll of wire. I was saving them in my billfold for Allson's milk and household allowance.
Come on Lalai, you can't fall apart today. Well, I think you deserve a little rest. Let's go visit your Ate Nice at Chateau Elysee. So there you go...
The kids enjoyed some swimming spree 'til about seven. They then dropped me off at the office for my night shift :)
The Weekend. No updates yet. Still struggling, but getting by. :)
I know, I'll get through this. God will always provide. I know.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
My Kids' Ties, Tutus and Stache Bash
Wheeew! Finally! It's over!
We had a very simple event for my kiddos' birthdays as we celebrate Allison's 4th and Allson's 1st birthday. I'd like to thank everybody who attended the birthday bash--
Ate Irish
Kuya Terry
Tita Nids & Hubby
Tita Marlyn & Andre
Tata & Joshua
Maricel & Kim
Lala & Denise
Jep & Ginny
Jiro & Yana (and their yaya)
I knew it. This would be a very small event. We made a reservation for 50pax. And never realized that only 18 guests could make it. That's 12 adults and 6 kids. :( My boss and colleagues were absent. Bad! But that's okay. I just felt like a loser though. But again, that's okay...
With 6 kid guests (with a 1-year old kidlet), I should not have rented a clown then. But of course, since everybody was booked before the event, I had no choice but to push through with everything.
I had a lot of DIY stuff done for my kids' celebration. Like my kids' outfits:
These cute tutus for the little girl guests:
Necktie shirts for the little boys:
Mustache sticks for everybody:
I even DIYed the cupcakes:
and the Cupcake Stand:
I also made the layout for their invites:
And the envelopes of course:
And have commissioned the services of these suppliers:
Pizza Hut- for the party venue
Pixels 2 Prints- for the pre-celeb pictorials
and event coverage
Cakes and Memories- for Allson's cake
Mylene's Party Needs- for the Clowns
We had a very simple event for my kiddos' birthdays as we celebrate Allison's 4th and Allson's 1st birthday. I'd like to thank everybody who attended the birthday bash--
Ate Irish
Kuya Terry
Tita Nids & Hubby
Tita Marlyn & Andre
Tata & Joshua
Maricel & Kim
Lala & Denise
Jep & Ginny
Jiro & Yana (and their yaya)
I knew it. This would be a very small event. We made a reservation for 50pax. And never realized that only 18 guests could make it. That's 12 adults and 6 kids. :( My boss and colleagues were absent. Bad! But that's okay. I just felt like a loser though. But again, that's okay...
With 6 kid guests (with a 1-year old kidlet), I should not have rented a clown then. But of course, since everybody was booked before the event, I had no choice but to push through with everything.
I had a lot of DIY stuff done for my kids' celebration. Like my kids' outfits:
These cute tutus for the little girl guests:
Necktie shirts for the little boys:
Mustache sticks for everybody:
I even DIYed the cupcakes:
and the Cupcake Stand:
I also made the layout for their invites:
And the envelopes of course:
And have commissioned the services of these suppliers:
Pizza Hut- for the party venue
Pixels 2 Prints- for the pre-celeb pictorials
and event coverage
Ties, Tutus and Staches Bash Part 1
Ties, Tutus and Staches Bash Part 2
Ties, Tutus and Staches Bash Part 3
Cakes and Memories- for Allson's cake
Mylene's Party Needs- for the Clowns
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
TAURUS - The Enduring One (April 20 - May 20th)
Charming but aggressive.
Can come off as boring, but they are not.
Hard workers.
Strong, has endurance.
Solid beings who are stable and secure in their ways.
Not looking for shortcuts.
Take pride in their beauty.
Patient and reliable.
Make great friends and give good advice.
Loving and kind.
Loves hard - passionate.
Express themselves emotionally.
Prone to ferocious temper-tantrums.
Indulge themselves often.
Very generous.
LEO - The Boss (July 23 - Aug 22)
Very organized.
Need order in their lives - like being in control.
Like boundaries.
Tend to take over everything.
Like to help others.
Social and outgoing.
Generous, warm-hearted.
Creative energy.
Full of themselves.
Doing the right thing is important to Leos.
SCORPIO - The Intense One (Oct 23 - Nov 21)Very energetic.
Can be jealous and/or possessive.
Great kisser.
Can become obsessive or secretive.
Holds grudges.
Loves being in long relationships.
Can be self-centered at times.
Passionate and Emotional.
LIBRA - The Harmonizer (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
Nice to everyone they meet.
Can’t make up their mind.
Have own unique appeal.
Creative, energetic, and very social.
Hates to be alone.
Peaceful, generous.
Very loving and beautiful.
Give in too easily.
Very gullible.
ARIES - The Daredevil (Mar 21 - April 19)
Adventurous and spontaneous.
Confident and enthusiastic.
Loves a challenge.
EXTREMELY impatient.
Sometimes selfish.
Short fuse (easily angered).
Lively, passionate, and sharp wit.
Lose interest quickly - easily bored.
Courageous and assertive.
Tends to be physical and athletic.
AQUARIUS - The Sweetheart (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Optimistic and honest.
Sweet personality.
Very independent.
Inventive and intelligent.
Friendly and loyal.
Can seem unemotional.
Can be a bit rebellious.
Very stubborn, but original and unique.
Attractive on the inside and out.
Eccentric personality.
GEMINI - The Chatterbox (May 21 - June 20)
Smart and witty.
Outgoing, very chatty.
Lively, energetic.
Adaptable but need to express themselves.
Argumentative and outspoken.
Like change.
Busy, sometimes nervous and tense.
May seem superficial or inconsistent.
Beautiful physically and mentally.
VIRGO - The Perfectionist (Aug 23 - Sept 22)
Dominant in relationships.
Always wants the last word.
Very smart.
Dislikes noise and chaos.
Easy to talk to.
Hard to please.
Practical and very fussy.
Often shy.
CANCER - The Protector (June 21 - July 22)
Moody, emotional.
May be shy.
Very loving and caring.
Excellent partners for life.
Inventive and imaginative.
Touchy-feely kind of person.
Needs love from others.
Easily hurt, but sympathetic.
PISCES - The Dreamer (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Generous, kind, and thoughtful.
Very creative and imaginative.
May become secretive and vague.
Don’t like details.
Dreamy and unrealistic.
Sympathetic and loving.
Good kisser.
CAPRICORN - The Go-Getter (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Patient and wise.
Practical and rigid.
Tends to be good-looking.
Humorous and funny.
Can be a bit shy and reserved.
Often pessimistic.
Capricorns tend to act before they think and can be unfriendly at times.
Hold grudges.
Like competition.
Get what they want.
SAGITTARIUS - The Happy-Go-Lucky One (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Good-natured optimist.
Doesn’t want to grow up (Peter Pan Syndrome).
Indulges self.
Likes luxuries and gambling.
Social and outgoing.
Doesn’t like responsibilities.
Often fantasizes.
Fun to be around.
Having lots of friends.
Doesn’t like rules.
Sometimes hypocritical.
Dislikes being confined - tight spaces or even tight clothes.
Doesn’t like being doubted.
Beautiful inside and out.
feel free to grab this one! so cool...
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
One Trick No Treat Day
I went home early today since I was on VTO by 11:58 PM Manila time. Was just excited for trick or treating with my kids.
I was torn between joining the costume contest in SM Dasma or Molino and visiting AAVA. I just thought that the first option will be more practical but still opted for the second one.
It was a wrong choice. :)
We should have joined the contest instead. Allison could have won the Most Fabulous Costume. LOL
We left the house at 11AM, delivered a dress in Carmona then headed to Alabang Town Center for a few treats. Today is Allison's 4th Birthday by the way. My bad, I was not able to treat my little girl for her big day.:( We had lunch @ the Food Court since we can't decide where to eat. Their dad goes for Tokyo Tokyo, while
I was torn between joining the costume contest in SM Dasma or Molino and visiting AAVA. I just thought that the first option will be more practical but still opted for the second one.
It was a wrong choice. :)
We should have joined the contest instead. Allison could have won the Most Fabulous Costume. LOL
We left the house at 11AM, delivered a dress in Carmona then headed to Alabang Town Center for a few treats. Today is Allison's 4th Birthday by the way. My bad, I was not able to treat my little girl for her big day.:( We had lunch @ the Food Court since we can't decide where to eat. Their dad goes for Tokyo Tokyo, while
Saturday, October 29, 2011
No Tricks, All Treats Trick or Treating Day Call Off :(
I came home from work at around eight o' clock in the morning. Did the last run for the petticoats I am scheduled to deliver in the afternoon. I haven't slept yet since yesterday as I was held with gazillions of unexpected errands. I was quite exhausted but I had to finish everything I was set to do for the day.
After the petticoat job, I made a little witch hat for Allison to suit her posh and sophisticated witch outfit I sewed two nights ago. I got ourselves ready-- bathed the kids, prepared the bags, packed the dresses for delivery, etc.
We arrived at Robinson's Place Dasmariñas a quarter past noon. The manong dropped us off the Governor's Drive entrance and we noticed a ton of people waiting outside. We moved to the Aguinaldo Highway entrance, and saw the same scene. We heard people talking about an ongoing robbery inside the mall, in a money changer near the supermarket. We were barred from entering the establishment then. After an hour, we decided to call off the day's plan and move to SM Dasma instead to book Pizza Hut for the kids' birthday.
We headed to Pizza Hut and had a hearty meal. Some cream of mushroom, spaghetti carbonara, fried chicken, pizza and caesar salad. We finalized the kids' party schedule and set off.
That was the day for my dearest Allson and Allison. They were not able to trick or treat @ the Rob Place because of that heist. Allison was so ready with her get up pa naman...:(
We were back home before three in the afternoon. I just changed bags and left again to deliver the dresses and the fitting form to Carmona and from there, went straight to the office without rest.
Poor me :( LOL
After the petticoat job, I made a little witch hat for Allison to suit her posh and sophisticated witch outfit I sewed two nights ago. I got ourselves ready-- bathed the kids, prepared the bags, packed the dresses for delivery, etc.
We arrived at Robinson's Place Dasmariñas a quarter past noon. The manong dropped us off the Governor's Drive entrance and we noticed a ton of people waiting outside. We moved to the Aguinaldo Highway entrance, and saw the same scene. We heard people talking about an ongoing robbery inside the mall, in a money changer near the supermarket. We were barred from entering the establishment then. After an hour, we decided to call off the day's plan and move to SM Dasma instead to book Pizza Hut for the kids' birthday.
We headed to Pizza Hut and had a hearty meal. Some cream of mushroom, spaghetti carbonara, fried chicken, pizza and caesar salad. We finalized the kids' party schedule and set off.
![]() |
That was the day for my dearest Allson and Allison. They were not able to trick or treat @ the Rob Place because of that heist. Allison was so ready with her get up pa naman...:(
We were back home before three in the afternoon. I just changed bags and left again to deliver the dresses and the fitting form to Carmona and from there, went straight to the office without rest.
Poor me :( LOL
Friday, October 28, 2011
My Kids' Trick or Treat Attires
The practical and resourceful mommy that I am :)
I wanted my kids to have the best costume they could have this coming halloween but of course, we have some budget constraints here as their big bash is upcoming.
For Allson, I had:
For Allison, I bought:
I wanted my kids to have the best costume they could have this coming halloween but of course, we have some budget constraints here as their big bash is upcoming.
For Allson, I had:
- some scrap fur material @ 40pesos/kilogram from a factory in Batangas (his entire costume consumed only about 350grams of fur. )
For Allison, I bought:
- 5 yards of black soft tulle @100pesos
- elastic @20pesos
- black shades @35pesos
- black pantyhose @30pesos
- tiara @150pesos
- black shoes @150pesos
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
A Big Big Sale
47- inch LG LX6500
Brand New Two-Burner Gas Stove
Model: ASAHI GS-447 2B
100mm x 2 Double Burner
Stainless Steel Body
3 Settings
0.45 kg/hr
Package includes stove unit in box and manual
Market Price: Php778.00
Now Selling for only Php700.00
Thursday, October 13, 2011
14 October 2011. Tutu All Done Day
Had prepared some stuff for the party since last week.
I bought a few yards of soft tulle @20pesos per yard from Diviland:
Today, I plan to finish all the tutu work. So far, here's what we have:
And the one she'll be wearing on the Big Day:
I have about 12 tutus done. Hmmmm.... 18 more to go!
And tomorrow, I'll start with the neckties naman. Good luck, Lalai! You can do that!
Yourself LOL
I bought a few yards of soft tulle @20pesos per yard from Diviland:
Today, I plan to finish all the tutu work. So far, here's what we have:
Here are the tutus we'll be giving out for their birthday:
And the one she'll be wearing on the Big Day:
I have about 12 tutus done. Hmmmm.... 18 more to go!
And tomorrow, I'll start with the neckties naman. Good luck, Lalai! You can do that!
Yourself LOL
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