Sunday, January 29, 2012

Preparing for Baby#3 :)

We are expecting another bundle of joy to arrive in about 4 weeks.  So far, I am doing the online shopping stuff for frugal buys.

So far, here's what we have for the layette:

And the gears we have as of this blog's  posting:
  • Ashworthy Stroller (Kuya Allson's pre-loved)
  • Jolly Playpen (Kuya Allson's pre-loved)
And here's what I am hunting for online now:

Gerber GentleFlow Feeding Bottles 8oz, 3's

Best Buy of the Day!

Passed by the fruit stand right across the shuttle terminal in Kadiwa and bought five dainty lakatan bananas for only 5 peso powers!

Imagine, 5 pesos for 5 potassium boosters! What a buy!:))